Category: Employee recruiting
Opportunity: US and European sales reps are coming available from AMRN layoffs
Company: Amarin Corporation
Issue: Work force (including sales force) layoff
Latest trigger event for Opp: PR July 18, 2023
Target Companies: Job recruiters and cardio companies
Amarin Corporation is focused on discovering, developing and delivering new therapeutics and treatments to cardiovascular disease patients. VASCEPA was approved in the U.S in 2020 and VAZKEPA was approved in the EU 2021 both for cardiovascular disease. On July 18, 2023, Amarin announced that they will be restructuring their organization. With that, Amerin will be reducing all U.S. sales force positions and non-sales position by about 30%. This opens the opportunity for companies to recruit these sales representatives and other experienced cardio professionals.
About Amarin Corporation
Company Type: Public Company
Market Cap (7/21/23): $109,000,000
Location: Dublin, Ireland & Bridgewater, New Jersey
Cash (Q1 2023): $304,400,000
Burn rate/quarter: $-22,060,000
Technology Focus: Cardiovascular disease
Latest stage asset: Approved
Indications: Cardiovascular diseases
Key employees: Subscribe to learn more!
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Article History:
Originally posted 8/9/23 (RB)